Variation data for WatSeq

Shifeng Cheng, Cong Feng, Luzie U. Wingen, Hong Cheng, Andrew B. Riche, Mei Jiang, Michelle Leverington-Waite, Zejian Huang, Sarah Collier, Simon Orford, Xiaoming Wang, Rajani Awal, Gary Barker, Tom O'Hara, Clare Lister, Ajay Siluveru, Jesus Quiroz-Chavez, Ricardo H. Ramirez-Gonzalez, Ruth Bryant, Simon Berry, Urmil Bansal, Harbans S. Bariana, Malcolm J. Bennett, Breno Bicego, Lorelei Bilham, James K.M. Brown, Amanda Burridge, Chris Burt, Milika Buurman, March Castle, Laetitia Chartrain, Baizhi Chen, Ahmed F. Elkot, Paul Fenwick, David Feuerhelm, John Foulkes, Oorbessy Gaju, Adam Gauley, Kumar Gaurav, Amber N. Hafeez, Ruirui Han, Richard Horler, Junliang Hou, Muhammad S. Iqbal, Matthew Kerton, Sisay A. Kidane, Ankica Kondic-Spica, Ania Kowalski, Jacob Lage, Xiaolong Li, Hongbing Liu, Shiyan Liu, Alison Lovegrove, Lingling Ma, Cathy Mumford, Saroj Parmar, Charlie Philp, Darryl Playford, Alexandra M. Przewieslik-Allen, Zareen Sarfraz, David Schafer, Peter R. Shewry, Yan Shi, Gustavo Slafer, Baoxing Song, Bo Song, David Steele, Burkhard Steuernagel, Phillip Tailby, Simon Tyrrell, Abdul Waheed, Mercy N. Wamalwa, Xingwei Wang, Yanping Wei, Mark Winfield, Shishi Wu, Yubing Wu, Brande B.H. Wulff, Wenfei Xian, Yawen Xu, Yunfeng Xu, Quan Yuan, Xin Zhang, Keith J. Edwards, Laura Dixon, Paul Nicholson, Noam Chayut, Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Cristobal Uauy, Dale Sanders, Sanwen Huang, Simon Griffiths
Breeding crops that are resilient to climate change and help to ensure food security is an urgent priority. We define genetic and phenotypic diversity of the A.E. Watkins landrace collection of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), a major global cereal, through whole genome re-sequencing (827 Watkins landraces and 208 modern cultivars) and in-depth field evaluation spanning a decade. We include VCF files for the complete dataset against the Chinese Spring RefSeqv1.0 wheat genome assembly, as well as variations, haplotypes and minimum landrace paths for modern cultivars using IBSpy.
This data is made available under the Toronto Agreement
All of the data listed here is available under the prepublication data sharing principle of the Toronto agreement. By using this data, you agree to:
  • respect the rights of the data producers and contributors to analyze and publish the first global analyses and certain other reserved analyses of this data set in a peer-reviewed publication.
  • not redistribute, release, or otherwise provide access to the data to anyone outside of the group, until the data has been published & submitted to the public data repositories.
  • contact the authors to discuss any plans to publish data or analyses that utilize this data to avoid the overlap of any planned analyses.
  • fully cite the prepublication data along with any applicable versioning details.
  • understand that this data as accessed is precompetitive and is not patentable in its present state.
This agreement does not expire by time but only upon publication of the first global analysis by the data producers and contributors.

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          iRods Data ObjectTable_2_Details_of_1051_WatSeq_accessions_2021_04_23.xlsx107KB2023-09-11 09:17
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          iRods CollectionDFW_Watkins_RIL_genetic_map_and_genotype_data_for_Watseq/2023-12-06 09:09
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