Triticeae Genomics For Sustainable Agriculture

Jon Wright, Bernardo Clavijo
Genome assemblies of the hexaploid UK wheat lines Cadenza, Claire, Paragon and Robigus and the tetraploid wheat line Kronos. Illumina paired-end and mate-pair reads were generated and assembled using the w2rap pipeline (see for further details)
This data is made available under the Toronto Agreement
All of the data listed here is available under the prepublication data sharing principle of the Toronto agreement. By using this data, you agree to:
  • respect the rights of the data producers and contributors to analyze and publish the first global analyses and certain other reserved analyses of this data set in a peer-reviewed publication.
  • not redistribute, release, or otherwise provide access to the data to anyone outside of the group, until the data has been published & submitted to the public data repositories.
  • contact the authors to discuss any plans to publish data or analyses that utilize this data to avoid the overlap of any planned analyses.
  • fully cite the prepublication data along with any applicable versioning details.
  • understand that this data as accessed is precompetitive and is not patentable in its present state.
This agreement does not expire by time but only upon publication of the first global analysis by the data producers and contributors.

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      iRods Data ObjectReadme-data_release_terms.txt587 B2020-08-01 23:03
      iRods Data ObjectTriticum_aestivum_Cadenza_EIv1.1.fa.gz3.7GB2020-08-01 23:01
      iRods Data ObjectTriticum_aestivum_Claire_EIv1.1.fa.gz3.7GB2020-08-01 23:02
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      iRods Data Objectdatapackage.json1.2KB2020-09-15 14:24
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