DFW RobigusxClaire UAV Image Data

Ji Zhou, Joshua Ball
Working with the Griffiths group at JIC we have collected UAV image data for the RobigusxClaire population across the 2019 season. Divided into early, mid, and late drilling dates. Raw images from UAV capture are pre-processed using Pix4DMapper software to create a large, high-detail, orthomosaic images providing a single image for analysis and extraction of wheat traits for QTL analysis. Single whole field images are also captured to account for light and colour variations, This project is supported by the BBSRC Designing Future Wheat grant sub-work package BBS/E/T/000PR9785
This data is made available under the Toronto Agreement
All of the data listed here is available under the prepublication data sharing principle of the Toronto agreement. By using this data, you agree to:
  • respect the rights of the data producers and contributors to analyze and publish the first global analyses and certain other reserved analyses of this data set in a peer-reviewed publication.
  • not redistribute, release, or otherwise provide access to the data to anyone outside of the group, until the data has been published & submitted to the public data repositories.
  • contact the authors to discuss any plans to publish data or analyses that utilize this data to avoid the overlap of any planned analyses.
  • fully cite the prepublication data along with any applicable versioning details.
  • understand that this data as accessed is precompetitive and is not patentable in its present state.
This agreement does not expire by time but only upon publication of the first global analysis by the data producers and contributors.

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      iRods CollectionField_Overview/2020-08-01 23:46
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