Provider Pubish.with.IWGSC..Y.N. run_accession scientific_name secondary_study_accession High level variety High level tissue High level age High level stress-disease Variety Tissue Age Stress-disease Comments DOI Intermediate Intermediate stress M. Davey BCS Y Sample_10 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots seedling none Azhurnaya radicle seedling stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_18 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots seedling none Azhurnaya radicle seedling stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_3A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots seedling none Azhurnaya radicle seedling stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_12 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya coleoptile seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_26 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya coleoptile seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_6A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya coleoptile seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_11 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya stem axis seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_20 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya stem axis seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_9A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya stem axis seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_10R1 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya first leaf sheath seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_21 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya first leaf sheath seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_30 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya first leaf sheath seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_13R1 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya first leaf blade seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_23 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya first leaf blade seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_32 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya first leaf blade seedling stage none seedling aerial tissues NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_13 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots seedling none Azhurnaya roots seedling stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_33 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots seedling none Azhurnaya roots seedling stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_18A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots seedling none Azhurnaya roots seedling stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_19A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya shoot apical meristem seedling stage none shoot apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_20A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya shoot apical meristem seedling stage none shoot apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_21A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots seedling none Azhurnaya shoot apical meristem seedling stage none shoot apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_22B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya third leaf blade three leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_23A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya third leaf blade three leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_24A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya third leaf blade three leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_25A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya third leaf sheath three leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_26A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya third leaf sheath three leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_27A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya third leaf sheath three leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_28A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya roots three leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_29A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya roots three leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_30A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya roots three leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_15 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya root apical meristem three leaf stage none root apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_32R2 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya root apical meristem three leaf stage none root apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_33A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya root apical meristem three leaf stage none root apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_16 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya axillary roots three leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_35R1 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya axillary roots three leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_36A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya axillary roots three leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_37A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya fifth leaf sheath fifth leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_38A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya fifth leaf sheath fifth leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_39A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya fifth leaf sheath fifth leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_40A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade fifth leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_41A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade fifth leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_42A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade fifth leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_43A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya first leaf sheath tillering stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_44A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya first leaf sheath tillering stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_45A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya first leaf sheath tillering stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_46A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya first leaf blade tillering stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_d11 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya first leaf blade tillering stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_d12 Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya first leaf blade tillering stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_49A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya shoot axis tillering stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_50A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya shoot axis tillering stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_51A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya shoot axis tillering stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_52A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya shoot apical meristem tillering stage none shoot apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_53A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya shoot apical meristem tillering stage none shoot apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_54A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots vegetative none Azhurnaya shoot apical meristem tillering stage none shoot apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_55B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya roots tillering stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_56A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya roots tillering stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_57A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya roots tillering stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_58A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya root apical meristem tillering stage none root apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_59A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya root apical meristem tillering stage none root apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_60A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots vegetative none Azhurnaya root apical meristem tillering stage none root apical meristem NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_61A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_62A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_63A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_64A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf sheath Flag leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_65A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf sheath Flag leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_66A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf sheath Flag leaf stage none leaf sheaths excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_67A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_68A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_69A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_70A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis Flag leaf stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_71A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis Flag leaf stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_72A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis Flag leaf stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_73A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots reproductive none Azhurnaya roots Flag leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_74A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots reproductive none Azhurnaya roots Flag leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_76A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots reproductive none Azhurnaya roots Flag leaf stage none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_75A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (-0.25h) 06:45 Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_77A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (-0.25h) 06:45 Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_78A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (-0.25h) 06:45 Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_79A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (-0.25h) 21:45 Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_80A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (-0.25h) 21:45 Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_81A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (-0.25h) 21:45 Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_82A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (+0.25h) 07:15 Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_83B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (+0.25h) 07:15 Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_84A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (+0.25h) 07:15 Flag leaf stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_85B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (+0.25h) 22:15 Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_86A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (+0.25h) 22:15 Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_87A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (+0.25h) 22:15 Flag leaf stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_88A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya leaf ligule Full boot none leaf ligule NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_89B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya leaf ligule Full boot none leaf ligule NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_90A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya leaf ligule Full boot none leaf ligule NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_91A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath Full boot none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_92A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath Full boot none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_93A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath Full boot none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_94B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Full boot none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_95A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Full boot none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_96A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Full boot none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_97A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis Full boot none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_98A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis Full boot none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_99A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis Full boot none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_100A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spike Full boot none spike NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_101A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spike Full boot none spike NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_102A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spike Full boot none spike NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_103A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots reproductive none Azhurnaya roots 30% spike none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_104B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots reproductive none Azhurnaya roots 30% spike none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_105B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya roots reproductive none Azhurnaya roots 30% spike none roots NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_106A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath 30% spike none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_107B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath 30% spike none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_108A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath 30% spike none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_109A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade 30% spike none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_110A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade 30% spike none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_111B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade 30% spike none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_112B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 30% spike none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_113B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 30% spike none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_114B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 30% spike none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_115A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle 30% spike none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_116A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle 30% spike none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_117A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle 30% spike none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_118A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spike 30% spike none spike NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_119B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spike 30% spike none spike NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_120A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spike 30% spike none spike NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_121A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spikelets 30% spike none spikelets NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_122A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spikelets 30% spike none spikelets NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_123A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya spikelets 30% spike none spikelets NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_124A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath Ear emergence none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_125A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath Ear emergence none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_126A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath Ear emergence none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_127A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Ear emergence none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_128A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Ear emergence none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_129A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade Ear emergence none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_130A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade Ear emergence none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_131A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade Ear emergence none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_132A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade Ear emergence none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_133A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle Ear emergence none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_134A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle Ear emergence none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_135A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle Ear emergence none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_136A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 Ear emergence none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_137B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 Ear emergence none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_138A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 Ear emergence none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_139A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya awns Ear emergence none awns NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_140A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya awns Ear emergence none awns NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_141A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya awns Ear emergence none awns NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_142A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya glumes Ear emergence none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_143A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya glumes Ear emergence none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_144B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya glumes Ear emergence none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_157A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya lemma Ear emergence none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_158A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya lemma Ear emergence none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_159B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya lemma Ear emergence none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_160A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya anther anthesis none anther NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_161A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya anther anthesis none anther NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_162A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya anther anthesis none anther NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_163A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya stigma & ovary anthesis none stigma & ovary NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_164A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya stigma & ovary anthesis none stigma & ovary NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_165A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya stigma & ovary anthesis none stigma & ovary NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_166A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (-0.25h) 06:45 anthesis none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_167A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (-0.25h) 06:45 anthesis none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_168A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade night (-0.25h) 06:45 anthesis none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_169A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (-0.25h) 21:45 anthesis none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_170A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (-0.25h) 21:45 anthesis none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_171A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade night (-0.25h) 21:45 anthesis none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_172A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath milk grain stage none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_173A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath milk grain stage none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_174A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf sheath milk grain stage none flag leaf sheath NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_175A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade milk grain stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_176A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade milk grain stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_177A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade milk grain stage none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_178A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis milk grain stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_179A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis milk grain stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_180A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya shoot axis milk grain stage none shoot axis NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_181A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade (senescence) milk grain stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_182A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade (senescence) milk grain stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_183A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya fifth leaf blade (senescence) milk grain stage none leaf blades excl flag NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_184A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle milk grain stage none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_185A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle milk grain stage none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_186A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya peduncle milk grain stage none peduncle NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_188B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 milk grain stage none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_189B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya Internode #2 milk grain stage none internode NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_190A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya awns milk grain stage none awns NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_191A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya awns milk grain stage none awns NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_192A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya awns milk grain stage none awns NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_193A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya glumes milk grain stage none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_194A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya glumes milk grain stage none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_195A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya glumes milk grain stage none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_196A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya lemma milk grain stage none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_197A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya lemma milk grain stage none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_198A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya spike reproductive none Azhurnaya lemma milk grain stage none glumes NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_199A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain milk grain stage none grain milk and soft dough NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_200A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain milk grain stage none grain milk and soft dough NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_201A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain milk grain stage none grain milk and soft dough NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_202A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade (senescence) Dough none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_203A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade (senescence) Dough none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_204A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade (senescence) Dough none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_205A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Soft dough none grain milk and soft dough NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_206A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Soft dough none grain milk and soft dough NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_207A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Soft dough none grain milk and soft dough NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_208A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Hard dough none grain hard dough and ripening NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_209A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Hard dough none grain hard dough and ripening NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_210A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Hard dough none grain hard dough and ripening NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_211B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya endosperm Dough none endosperm NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_212A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya endosperm Dough none endosperm NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_213A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya endosperm Dough none endosperm NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_214A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya embryo proper Dough none embryo NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_215A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya embryo proper Dough none embryo NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_216A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya embryo proper Dough none embryo NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_217B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Ripening none grain hard dough and ripening NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_218A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Ripening none grain hard dough and ripening NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_219A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya grain reproductive none Azhurnaya grain Ripening none grain hard dough and ripening NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_223B Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade (senescence) Ripening none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_224A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade (senescence) Ripening none flag leaf blade NA M. Davey BCS Y Sample_225A Triticum aestivum Development Azhurnaya leaves/shoots reproductive none Azhurnaya flag leaf blade (senescence) Ripening none flag leaf blade NA B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H000b Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H000d Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H000e Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H030a Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H030b Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H030e Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H180b Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H180c Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_H180d Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage water leaf excl flag leaf No stress control B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_C030a Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage chitin (1 g per liter) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP chitin B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_C030c Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage chitin (1 g per liter) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP chitin B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_C030e Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage chitin (1 g per liter) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP chitin B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_C180b Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage chitin (1 g per liter) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP chitin B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_C180c Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage chitin (1 g per liter) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP chitin B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_C180d Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage chitin (1 g per liter) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP chitin B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_F030c Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage flg22 (500 nM) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP flg22 B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_F030d Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage flg22 (500 nM) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP flg22 B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_F030e Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage flg22 (500 nM) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP flg22 B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_F180a Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage flg22 (500 nM) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP flg22 B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_F180b Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage flg22 (500 nM) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP flg22 B. Steuernagel Y Wulff_F180c Triticum aestivum PAMP Triggered Imune Response Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative disease Chinese Spring leaf three leaf stage flg22 (500 nM) leaf excl flag leaf PAMP flg22 Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF4 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike booting none spike NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF5 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike Ear emergence none spike NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF6 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring rachis Ear emergence none rachis NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF18 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike booting none spike NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF19 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike Ear emergence none spike NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF20 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring rachis Ear emergence none rachis NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF7 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring ovary Late anthesis none stigma & ovary NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF8 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring ovary Early anthesis none stigma & ovary NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF21 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring ovary Late anthesis none stigma & ovary NA Vijay Tiwari & Raju Datla Y DF22 Triticum aestivum CS_spike Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring ovary Early anthesis none stigma & ovary NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.D.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.D.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.D.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D02.105.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_D08.299.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_K.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_C18BCACXX_W.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.C.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.D.AR5 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.D.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.D.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.D.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.C.AR6 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D02.105.D.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_D08.299.C.AR8 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_K.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.C.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA R appels Y Sample_D1AD2ACXX_W.D.AR3 Triticum aestivum developing spike other spike reproductive abiotic WestoniaxKauz DH line spike Flag leaf stage water stress early booting spike NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3206.006.Index_2.CS_125RNA_14d_Leaf8 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf 14 days none leaf excl flag leaf NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3206.006.Index_6.CS_125RNA_14d_Leaf9 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf 14 days none leaf excl flag leaf NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3206.006.Index_15.CS_125RNA_14d_Leaf10 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf 14 days none leaf excl flag leaf NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_16.CS_150RNA_14d_leaf2 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf 14 days none leaf excl flag leaf NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_4.CS_150RNA_14d_leaf6 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf 14 days none leaf excl flag leaf NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3206.006.Index_5.CS_125RNA_14d_Root8 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 14 days none HI.32006 and HI3309.007 can be combined roots NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3206.006.Index_19.CS_125RNA_14d_Root10 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 14 days none roots NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_18.CS_150RNA_14d_root2 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 14 days none roots NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_12.CS_150RNA_14d_root6 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 14 days none roots NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3206.006.Index_7.CS_125RNA_14d_Root9 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 14 days none roots NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_2.CS_150RNA_spike1 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike (top third) anthesis none top 1/3 of spike spike NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_7.CS_150RNA_spike2 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike (middle third) anthesis none middle 1/3 of spike spike NA C.Pozniak Y HI.3671.002.Index_19.CS_150RNA_spike3 Triticum aestivum CS_methylome Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike (bottom third) anthesis none bottom 1/3 of spike spike NA B. Chalhoub Y N_AWW_clean Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring fourth leaf seven leaf stage none Experiment to compare homeolog gene expression in too contasting tissues of CS (roots and leaves collected from same samples-replicates) leaf excl flag leaf NA B. Chalhoub Y P_AWW_clean Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring fourth leaf seven leaf stage none Experiment to compare homeolog gene expression in too contasting tissues of CS (roots and leaves collected from same samples-replicates) leaf excl flag leaf NA B. Chalhoub Y Q_AWW_clean Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring fourth leaf seven leaf stage none Experiment to compare homeolog gene expression in too contasting tissues of CS (roots and leaves collected from same samples-replicates) leaf excl flag leaf NA B. Chalhoub Y NN_AWW_noribo Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots seven leaf stage none Experiment to compare homeolog gene expression in too contasting tissues of CS (roots and leaves collected from same samples-replicates) roots NA B. Chalhoub Y PP_AWW_noribo Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots seven leaf stage none Experiment to compare homeolog gene expression in too contasting tissues of CS (roots and leaves collected from same samples-replicates) roots NA B. Chalhoub Y QQ_AWW_noribo Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots seven leaf stage none Experiment to compare homeolog gene expression in too contasting tissues of CS (roots and leaves collected from same samples-replicates) roots NA B. Chalhoub Y Q_BFL_noribo Triticum aestivum Aneuploidy Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring fourth leaf seven leaf stage none Chinese Spring leaf excl flag leaf NA SRA Y DRR003151 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring roots vegetative abiotic Chinese Spring roots 24 days Phosphorous starvation 10 days doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 roots NA SRA Y DRR003149 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 24 days none doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 roots NA SRA Y ERR392055 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 10 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392075 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392076 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR687864 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast starchy endosperm 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR687866 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast aleurone layer 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR687862 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast seed coat 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 seed coat NA SRA Y ERR687868 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast starchy endosperm 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR687865 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast seed coat 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 seed coat NA SRA Y ERR687867 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast starchy endosperm 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR687861 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast aleurone layer 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 aleurone NA SRA Y DRR003153 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring roots vegetative abiotic Chinese Spring roots 24 days Phosphorous starvation 10 days doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 roots NA SRA Y ERR687863 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast aleurone layer 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR687869 Triticum aestivum ERP008767 other grain reproductive none Holdfast seed coat 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0520-7 seed coat NA SRA Y SRR085459 Triticum aestivum SRP004884 other leaves/shoots reproductive none Bobwhite flag leaf 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-492 flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR085458 Triticum aestivum SRP004884 other leaves/shoots reproductive none Bobwhite flag leaf 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-492 flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR085457 Triticum aestivum SRP004884 other leaves/shoots reproductive none Bobwhite flag leaf 12 dpa none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-492 flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR502782 Triticum aestivum SRP013449 other grain reproductive none Banks starchy endosperm 14 dpa none doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2012.00705.x endosperm NA SRA Y DRR003157 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative abiotic Chinese Spring shoots 24 days Phosphorous starvation 10 days doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 vegetative aerial tissues Phosphorous starvation 10 d shoots SRA Y SRR502781 Triticum aestivum SRP013449 other grain reproductive none Banks aleurone layer 14 dpa none doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2012.00705.x aleurone NA SRA Y SRR502780 Triticum aestivum SRP013449 other grain reproductive none Banks starchy endosperm 9 dpa none doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2012.00705.x endosperm NA SRA Y SRR502779 Triticum aestivum SRP013449 other grain reproductive none Banks aleurone layer 9 dpa none doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2012.00705.x aleurone NA SRA Y SRR502778 Triticum aestivum SRP013449 other grain reproductive none Banks starchy endosperm 6 dpa none doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2012.00705.x endosperm NA SRA Y SRR502777 Triticum aestivum SRP013449 other grain reproductive none Banks aleurone layer 6 dpa none doi: 10.1111/j.1467-7652.2012.00705.x aleurone NA SRA Y SRR619850 Triticum aestivum SRP017303 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Avocet S leaf seedling stage stripe rust mixture 6/14 days doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-270 leaf excl flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR974938 Triticum aestivum SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling none Sevin second leaf 14 days none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y SRR974941 Triticum aestivum SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling none Sevin second leaf 14 days none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y SRR974940 Triticum aestivum SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling none Sevin second leaf 14 days none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y SRR974939 Triticum aestivum SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling none Sevin second leaf 14 days none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y ERR305291 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305281 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305285 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR947016 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots NA SRA Y SRR946457 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots NA SRA Y ERR305294 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR947005 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 vegetative aerial tissues NA SRA Y SRR946453 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 vegetative aerial tissues NA SRA Y SRR960255 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 seed coat 12 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 seed coat NA SRA Y SRR960248 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 seed coat 8 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 seed coat NA SRA Y SRR960247 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 seed coat 4 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 seed coat NA SRA Y SRR960213 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 starchy endosperm + seed coat 12 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 endosperm + seed coat NA SRA Y SRR960212 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 starchy endosperm + seed coat 8 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 endosperm + seed coat NA SRA Y SRR960183 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 starchy endosperm + seed coat 4 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 endosperm + seed coat NA SRA Y SRR960179 Triticum aestivum SRP029372 other grain reproductive none P271 grain 4-12 dpa none DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083530 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1177761 Triticum aestivum SRP038912 Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring NIL CSTP stamen anthesis none doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1453-0 anther NA SRA Y ERR305328 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1177760 Triticum aestivum SRP038912 other spike reproductive none HTS-1 pistillody stamen anthesis none doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1453-0 anther NA SRA Y SRR1175868 Triticum aestivum SRP038912 Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring NIL CSTP pistil anthesis none doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1453-0 stigma & ovary NA SRA Y SRR1228265 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 72 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228264 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 72 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228263 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 72 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228262 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 48 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228261 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 48 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228260 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 48 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228259 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 24 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228258 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 24 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y ERR305322 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1228257 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days Powdery mildew pathogen E09 24 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues powdery mildew SRA Y SRR1228256 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling none N9134 leaf 7 days none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1228255 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling none N9134 leaf 7 days none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1228254 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling none N9134 leaf 7 days none doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1228253 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 72 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228252 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 72 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228251 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 72 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228250 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 48 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228249 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 48 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228248 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 48 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y ERR305331 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1228247 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 24 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228246 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 24 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y SRR1228245 Triticum aestivum SRP041017 other leaves/shoots seedling disease N9134 leaf 7 days stripe rust pathogen CYR31 24 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-898 seedling aerial tissues stripe rust 2 SRA Y DRR003148 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 24 days none doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 roots NA SRA Y ERR305316 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1542417 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 6 hour of drought&heat combined stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought&heat combined stress SRA Y SRR1542416 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 6 hour of drought&heat combined stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought&heat combined stress SRA Y SRR1542415 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 1 hour of drought&heat combined stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought&heat combined stress SRA Y SRR1542414 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 1 hour of drought&heat combined stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought&heat combined stress SRA Y ERR305302 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1542413 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 6 hour of heat stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues heat stress SRA Y SRR1542412 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 6 hour of heat stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues heat stress SRA Y SRR1542411 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 1 hour of heat stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues heat stress SRA Y SRR1542410 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 1 hour of heat stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues heat stress SRA Y SRR1542409 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 6 hour of drought stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought stress SRA Y SRR1542408 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 6 hour of drought stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought stress SRA Y SRR1542407 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 1 hour of drought stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought stress SRA Y SRR1542406 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic TAM107 leaf 7 days 1 hour of drought stress doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues drought stress SRA Y SRR1542405 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling none TAM107 leaf 7 days none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1542404 Triticum aestivum SRP045409 other leaves/shoots seedling none TAM107 leaf 7 days none doi:10.1186/s12870-015-0511-8 seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305317 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1958738 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955162 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1955060 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955059 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955045 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1954915 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958790 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958787 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Westonia -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958785 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Westonia -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958783 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Westonia -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y ERR305274 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1958781 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Chara -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958779 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Chara -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958777 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Chara -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958775 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Baxter -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958773 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Baxter -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958770 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Baxter -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958768 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958766 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958764 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958762 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y ERR305292 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1958749 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958747 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958745 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958743 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958740 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958735 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958732 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958730 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958760 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955165 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Yipti +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y ERR305297 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1955057 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1955055 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955053 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955048 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1955050 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1955046 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1926214 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958758 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Yipti +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y SRR1958728 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Yipti +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958755 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y ERR305286 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1958753 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y SRR1958729 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y grain_Z71_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain 2 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y grain_Z71_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain 2 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y grain_Z75_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain 14 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y grain_Z75_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain 14 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y grain_Z85_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain 30 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y grain_Z85_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain 30 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 grain hard dough and ripening NA SRA Y leaf_Z10_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots seedling none Chinese Spring leaf seedling stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y leaf_Z10_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots seedling none Chinese Spring leaf seedling stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y ERR305300 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y leaf_Z23_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf tillering stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 leaf excl flag leaf NA SRA Y leaf_Z23_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf tillering stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 leaf excl flag leaf NA SRA Y leaf_Z71_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring leaf 2 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 flag leaf NA SRA Y leaf_Z71_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring leaf 2 dpa none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 flag leaf NA SRA Y root_Z10_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring roots seedling none Chinese Spring roots seedling stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 roots NA SRA Y root_Z10_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring roots seedling none Chinese Spring roots seedling stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 roots NA SRA Y root_Z13_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots three leaf stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 roots NA SRA Y root_Z13_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots three leaf stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 roots NA SRA Y root_Z39_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring roots reproductive none Chinese Spring roots Flag leaf stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 roots NA SRA Y root_Z39_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring roots reproductive none Chinese Spring roots Flag leaf stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 roots NA SRA Y ERR305280 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y spike_Z32_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring spike vegetative none Chinese Spring spike two nodes detectable none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 spike NA SRA Y spike_Z32_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring spike vegetative none Chinese Spring spike two nodes detectable none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 spike NA SRA Y spike_Z39_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike Flag leaf stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 spike NA SRA Y spike_Z39_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike Flag leaf stage none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 spike NA SRA Y spike_Z65_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike anthesis none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 spike NA SRA Y spike_Z65_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike anthesis none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 spike NA SRA Y stem_Z30_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring stem 1 cm spike none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 internode NA SRA Y stem_Z30_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring stem 1 cm spike none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 internode NA SRA Y stem_Z32_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring stem two nodes detectable none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 internode NA SRA Y stem_Z32_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring stem two nodes detectable none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 internode NA SRA Y ERR305309 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y stem_Z65_rep1 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring stem anthesis none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 internode NA SRA Y stem_Z65_rep2 Triticum aestivum choulet_URGI Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring stem anthesis none doi: 10.1126/science.1249721 internode NA SRA Y ERR1598033 Triticum aestivum ERP016738 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring grain milk grain stage none grain milk and soft dough NA SRA Y ERR1598032 Triticum aestivum ERP016738 Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring spike Ear emergence none spike NA SRA Y ERR1598031 Triticum aestivum ERP016738 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring stem milk grain stage none internode NA SRA Y ERR1598030 Triticum aestivum ERP016738 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring leaf seven leaf stage none leaf excl flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1598029 Triticum aestivum ERP016738 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots three leaf stage none roots NA SRA Y ERR1598028 Triticum aestivum ERP016738 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots seedling none Chinese Spring seedling 4 days none seedling aerial tissues NA SRA Y ERR1201820 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201819 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y DRR003155 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots 24 days none doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 vegetative aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305327 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201818 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201817 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201816 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201815 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201814 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201813 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201812 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201811 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201810 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201809 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305315 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201808 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201807 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201806 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201805 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201804 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201803 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201802 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201801 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201800 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201799 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305304 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201798 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201797 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201796 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201795 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201794 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201793 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201792 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201791 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201790 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201789 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305306 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201788 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201787 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201786 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201785 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL51 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201784 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201783 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201782 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201781 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201780 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201779 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305326 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201778 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201777 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201776 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201775 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201774 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201773 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201772 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201771 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201770 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201769 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305277 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201768 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201767 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive none NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201766 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201765 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201764 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 6 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201763 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201762 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201761 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 48 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201760 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201759 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305287 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201758 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 3 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201757 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201756 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201755 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 36 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201754 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201753 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201752 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201751 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201750 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1201749 Triticum aestivum ERP013829 other spike reproductive disease NIL38 from BC55F2 Remus in CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 12 hours "suspect unpublished, data updated on 1st feb 2017, contact Nussbaumer and Schweiger" spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305289 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3822112 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling none Chara coleoptile 3 days mock inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3822110 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Chara coleoptile 3 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum study2 SRA Y SRR3822108 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Chara coleoptile 3 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum study2 SRA Y SRR3822106 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Chara coleoptile 3 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum study2 SRA Y SRR3822104 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling none Chara coleoptile 3 days mock inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3822102 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling none Chara coleoptile 3 days mock inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3822100 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling none Chara coleoptile 3 days mock inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3822098 Triticum aestivum SRP078208 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Chara coleoptile 3 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 36 hours seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum study2 SRA Y ERR1360193 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360192 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR305295 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1360191 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360190 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360189 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360188 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360187 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360186 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae symptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360185 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360184 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360183 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360182 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR305321 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1360181 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360180 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360179 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR1360178 Triticum aestivum ERP015130 other leaves/shoots reproductive disease unknown (Bangladesh) leaf grain filling Magnaporthe oryzae asymptomatic flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR3098735 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098734 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098733 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3098732 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3098731 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098730 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y DRR003159 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative abiotic Chinese Spring shoots 24 days Phosphorous starvation 10 days doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 vegetative aerial tissues Phosphorous starvation 10 d shoots SRA Y ERR305313 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3098729 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098728 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098727 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098726 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3098725 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Giza 168 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3098724 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Giza 168 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3089153 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089152 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089151 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3089150 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305323 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3089149 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089148 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089147 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089146 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Giza 168 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 2 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089145 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089144 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling abiotic Gemmiza 10 leaf 9 days PEG 6000 12 hours can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues PEG 6000 SRA Y SRR3089143 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Giza 168 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3089142 Triticum aestivum SRP068165 other leaves/shoots seedling none Giza 168 leaf 9 days none can't find manuscript seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR3090695 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM ABA inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090694 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM ABA inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305305 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090693 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM ABA inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090692 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM ABA inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090691 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM ABA inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090690 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM giberellic acid inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090689 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM giberellic acid inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090580 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM giberellic acid inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090579 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM giberellic acid inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090578 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum and 1mM giberellic acid inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090577 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090574 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305282 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090007 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3090006 Triticum aestivum SRP068156 other spike reproductive disease Fielder spikelets anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 24 hours spikelets NA SRA Y SRR3068482 Triticum aestivum SRP067916 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring flag leaf 30 dpa none can't find manuscript flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR3068481 Triticum aestivum SRP067916 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring flag leaf 25 dpa none can't find manuscript flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR3068477 Triticum aestivum SRP067916 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring flag leaf 15 dpa none can't find manuscript flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR3068439 Triticum aestivum SRP067916 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring flag leaf anthesis none can't find manuscript flag leaf NA SRA Y SRR3068387 Triticum aestivum SRP067916 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots reproductive none Chinese Spring flag leaf Ear emergence none can't find manuscript flag leaf NA SRA Y ERR305303 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR2584370 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive abiotic Svilena microspores first visible karyokinesis tissue culture following 10 days cold treatment microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584369 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive abiotic Svilena microspores first visible karyokinesis tissue culture following 10 days cold treatment microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584352 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive abiotic Svilena microspores first visible karyokinesis tissue culture following 10 days cold treatment microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584351 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive abiotic Svilena microspores enlarged microspores with a star-like structure 10 days cold treatment microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584349 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive abiotic Svilena microspores enlarged microspores with a star-like structure 10 days cold treatment microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584347 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive abiotic Svilena microspores enlarged microspores with a star-like structure 10 days cold treatment microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584341 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive none Svilena microspores late vacuolated uninucleate stage none microspores NA SRA Y ERR305332 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR2584319 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive none Svilena microspores late vacuolated uninucleate stage none microspores NA SRA Y SRR2584304 Triticum aestivum SRP064598 other spike reproductive none Svilena microspores late vacuolated uninucleate stage none microspores NA SRA Y ERR789103 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 1 day http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789102 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 1 day http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789101 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 21 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789100 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 21 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789096 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 14 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789095 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 9 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789094 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 9 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789093 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 9 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305301 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR789092 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 4 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789091 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 4 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789090 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 4 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789089 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 1 day http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789088 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 1 day http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789087 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 1 day http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789115 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 21 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789114 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 21 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789113 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 14 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789108 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 9 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR305319 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR789116 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 21 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789112 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 14 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789111 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 14 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789110 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 9 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789109 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 9 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789107 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 4 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789106 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 4 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789105 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 4 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789104 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Riband second leaf 17 days Zymoseptoria tritici inoculation 1 day http:/ seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y ERR789099 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 21 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305283 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR789098 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 14 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR789097 Triticum aestivum ERP009837 other leaves/shoots seedling none Riband second leaf 17 days mock inoculation 14 days http:/ seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR2096845 Triticum aestivum SRP060670 Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring rachis anthesis mock inoculation 4 days rachis NA SRA Y SRR2096844 Triticum aestivum SRP060670 Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring rachis anthesis mock inoculation 4 days rachis NA SRA Y SRR2096843 Triticum aestivum SRP060670 Chinese Spring spike reproductive disease Chinese Spring rachis anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 4 days rachis NA SRA Y SRR2096841 Triticum aestivum SRP060670 Chinese Spring spike reproductive disease Chinese Spring rachis anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 4 days rachis NA SRA Y SRR2096839 Triticum aestivum SRP060670 Chinese Spring spike reproductive none Chinese Spring rachis anthesis mock inoculation 4 days rachis NA SRA Y SRR2096837 Triticum aestivum SRP060670 Chinese Spring spike reproductive disease Chinese Spring rachis anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 4 days rachis NA SRA Y SRR1617201 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617199 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y ERR305288 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1617197 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617195 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617193 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617191 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617189 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617187 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617185 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617183 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617181 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617179 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y DRR003154 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots 24 days none doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 vegetative aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305279 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1617177 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617175 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617173 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617171 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617169 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617167 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617165 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617163 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617161 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617159 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305318 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1617157 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617155 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 5 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617153 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617151 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617149 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617147 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617145 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617143 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617141 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617139 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305275 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1617137 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617135 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617133 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617131 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 susceptible shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617129 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617127 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617125 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617123 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617121 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y SRR1617119 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days Fusarium pseudograminearum inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues Fusarium pseudograminearum SRA Y ERR305310 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1617117 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617115 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617113 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617111 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617109 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1617107 Triticum aestivum SRP048912 other leaves/shoots seedling none Janz*2 NIL1 resistant shoots 2 days mock inoculation 3 days seedling aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1460554 Triticum aestivum SRP043554 other leaves/shoots vegetative abiotic Manitou shoots three leaf stage cold 2 weeks (4C) vegetative aerial tissues cold 2 weeks (4C) SRA Y SRR1460553 Triticum aestivum SRP043554 other leaves/shoots vegetative abiotic Manitou shoots three leaf stage cold 2 weeks (4C) vegetative aerial tissues cold 2 weeks (4C) SRA Y SRR1460552 Triticum aestivum SRP043554 other leaves/shoots vegetative abiotic Manitou shoots three leaf stage cold 2 weeks (4C) vegetative aerial tissues cold 2 weeks (4C) SRA Y SRR1460551 Triticum aestivum SRP043554 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Manitou shoots three leaf stage none vegetative aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR305308 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y SRR1460550 Triticum aestivum SRP043554 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Manitou shoots three leaf stage none vegetative aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y SRR1460549 Triticum aestivum SRP043554 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Manitou shoots three leaf stage none vegetative aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR1224553 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Vuka leaf three leaf stage control leaf excl flag leaf No stress control SRA Y ERR1224554 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Vuka leaf three leaf stage control leaf excl flag leaf No stress control SRA Y ERR1224555 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Vuka leaf three leaf stage control leaf excl flag leaf No stress control SRA Y ERR1224556 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 1 day leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224557 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 1 day leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224558 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 1 day leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224559 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 2 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224560 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 2 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR305290 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1224561 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 2 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224562 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 3 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224563 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 3 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224564 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 3 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224565 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 5 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224566 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 5 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224567 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 5 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224568 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 7 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224569 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 7 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224570 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 7 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR305314 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1224571 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 9 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224572 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 9 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224573 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 9 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224574 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 11 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224575 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 11 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224576 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Vuka leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 11 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224580 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage control leaf excl flag leaf No stress control SRA Y ERR1224581 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage control leaf excl flag leaf No stress control SRA Y ERR1224582 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative none Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage control leaf excl flag leaf No stress control SRA Y ERR1224583 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 1 day leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR305324 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1224584 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 1 day leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224585 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 1 day leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224586 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 2 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224587 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 2 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224588 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 2 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224589 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 3 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224590 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 3 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224591 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 3 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224592 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 5 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR1224593 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 5 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR305320 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR1224594 Triticum aestivum ERP013983 other leaves/shoots vegetative disease Avocet+Yr5 leaf three leaf stage stripe rust pathogen 87/66 5 days leaf excl flag leaf stripe rust SRA Y ERR305329 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease CM-82036 "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y DRR003150 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots 24 days none doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 roots NA SRA Y ERR305330 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305298 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305276 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305278 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305299 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305333 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305284 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305311 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305325 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL3 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305296 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 30 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y DRR003158 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative abiotic Chinese Spring shoots 24 days Phosphorous starvation 10 days doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 vegetative aerial tissues Phosphorous starvation 10 d shoots SRA Y ERR305307 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive none NIL1 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis mock inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305293 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL4 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR305312 Triticum aestivum ERP003465 other spike reproductive disease NIL2 from CM-82036 BC5 in Remus "spikelets (only using palea, lemma and rachis)" anthesis Fusarium graminearum inoculation 50 hours doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-728 and doi:10.1534/g3.115.021550 spikelets NA SRA Y ERR392066 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392068 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392084 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR392065 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392070 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring transfer cells 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 transfer cells NA SRA Y ERR392060 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer and starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone layer and starchy endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392073 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y DRR003152 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring roots vegetative abiotic Chinese Spring roots 24 days Phosphorous starvation 10 days doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 roots NA SRA Y ERR392077 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring transfer cells 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 transfer cells NA SRA Y ERR392071 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer and starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone layer and starchy endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392057 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 10 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392080 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR392083 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392058 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring transfer cells 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 transfer cells NA SRA Y ERR392063 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392074 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392061 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 10 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392072 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 10 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y DRR003156 Triticum aestivum DRP000768 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots 24 days none doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-14-77 vegetative aerial tissues No stress control SRA Y ERR392056 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring transfer cells 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 transfer cells NA SRA Y ERR392064 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring whole endosperm 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392079 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392081 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR392078 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR392059 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR392067 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer and starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone layer and starchy endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392069 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer and starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone layer and starchy endosperm NA SRA Y ERR392082 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring aleurone layer 20 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 aleurone NA SRA Y ERR392062 Triticum aestivum ERP004505 Chinese Spring grain reproductive none Chinese Spring starchy endosperm 30 dpa none DOI: 10.1126/science.1250091 endosperm NA SRA Y SRR974986 Triticum aestivum/Septoria tritici mixed cDNA library SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Sevin second leaf 14 days Septoria tritici 4 days Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; RNA-seq analysis of Septoria tritici-infected wheat leaves (4dai) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y SRR974987 Triticum aestivum/Septoria tritici mixed cDNA library SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Sevin second leaf 14 days Septoria tritici 4 days Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; RNA-seq analysis of Septoria tritici-infected wheat leaves (4dai_2) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y SRR974988 Triticum aestivum/Septoria tritici mixed cDNA library SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Sevin second leaf 14 days Septoria tritici 10 days Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; RNA-seq analysis of Septoria tritici-infected wheat leaves (10dai) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y SRR974989 Triticum aestivum/Septoria tritici mixed cDNA library SRP022869 other leaves/shoots seedling disease Sevin second leaf 14 days Septoria tritici 13 days Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; RNA-seq analysis of Septoria tritici-infected wheat leaves (13dai) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081606 seedling aerial tissues Zymoseptoria tritici SRA Y SRR946454 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR946455 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR946456 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR946458 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR946459 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR946460 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947006 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947014 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947015 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none Chinese Spring shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947017 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947018 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947019 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Chinese Spring roots vegetative none Chinese Spring roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947021 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947022 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947026 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947028 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947030 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947032 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947033 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947034 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947035 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947037 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947038 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947039 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947041 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947042 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947043 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947045 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947046 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947047 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947749 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947750 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947751 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947753 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947754 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947755 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947757 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947758 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947760 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947762 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947763 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947764 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5D" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947766 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947767 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947768 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5A" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947770 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947771 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947772 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring leaves/shoots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5B" shoots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum shoots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 leaf excl flag leaf none SRA Y SRR947774 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947775 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947776 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947778 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947779 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947780 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5AT5D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947782 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947783 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947784 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947786 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947787 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947788 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5BT5D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947790 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947791 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947792 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947796 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947797 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947798 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N5DT5B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947801 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947802 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947806 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947807 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947808 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1AT1D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947812 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947814 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947818 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947820 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1BT1D" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947825 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947826 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947827 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1A" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947830 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947831 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR947832 Triticum aestivum SRP028357 Nullitetra Chinese Spring roots vegetative none "Chinese Spring, N1DT1B" roots fifth leaf stage none Illumina Genome Analyzer II sequencing; mRNA-Seq for homoeologous gene expression analysis in hexaploid Triticum aestivum roots doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-276 roots none SRA Y SRR1954916 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_0362_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1955047 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_0807_15DPA doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1955049 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_0807_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1955052 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_0807_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1955054 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1275_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1955056 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1275_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1955058 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1275_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1955061 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1516_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1955163 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1516_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1955166 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Yipti +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_Yitpi_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958698 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_0362_15DPA doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958718 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_0362_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958727 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1516_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958731 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_0807_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958733 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_0807_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958736 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0807 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_0807_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958739 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1038_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958741 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1038_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958744 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1038_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958746 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1275_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958748 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1275_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958750 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1275 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1275_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958751 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1038_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958754 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 +4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1038_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958756 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1038 +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_1038_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958759 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Yipti +4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_Yitpi_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958761 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_0362_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958763 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_0362_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958765 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1516_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958767 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1516_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958769 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 1516 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_1516_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958771 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Baxter -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Baxter_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958774 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Baxter -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Baxter_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958776 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Baxter -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Baxter_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958778 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Chara -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Chara_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958780 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Chara -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Chara_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958782 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Chara -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Chara_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958784 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Westonia -4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Westonia_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958786 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Westonia -4A dormancy QTL grain 25 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Westonia_25 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none SRA Y SRR1958788 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Westonia -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_Westonia_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958791 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none NIL 0362 -4A dormancy QTL grain 35 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; B_0362_35 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain hard dough and ripening none SRA Y SRR1958792 Triticum aestivum SRP056412 other grain reproductive none Yipti +4A dormancy QTL grain 15 dpa none Illumina HiSeq 2000 paired end sequencing; A_Yitpi_15 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0665-6 grain milk and soft dough none